Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Just because you've walked quite a long way down a certain path doesn't mean that you can't switch routes and destinations now. Surely, you should be naturally reluctant to leave all that behind, but you shouldn't let your reluctance keep you from ultimately doing it. As far as we know, this is your one life, your one chance to be happy. One of your strengths is your loyalty, but it can also be your weakness if you're sticking to something (or someone) that makes you unhappy. Go ahead and think long and hard about your options before you give up on something you've invested so much time and energy in. But, there may come a time when it is time to jump ship or to go down with it (or just sail on, miserably). Hopefully you will have the guts to do what you've got to do.

I don't take horoscopes very seriously at all. They are fun to read every once in a while and nine times out of ten, they are WAY off base. But this one, this horoscope, caught me off guard. It fit my life so perfectly at that time, almost that very moment, even. It may as well have been addressed directly to me. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I clipped it and kept it. It may have been perfect for the day it was intended years ago...but it is also a message that I reread every once in a while just because its timeless in a way and something worth being reminded of to keep things in perspective...and maybe not for just this Capricorn.

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